Friday Evening
Saturday or PLAY LINE-UP
Our story today is told by Uncle Alroy Ndhlovu. Please note: The Children’s Story will go live at 09:00 AM (GMT +2)
Join us as we contemplate our new theme: “Shift”. Our iIntercede segment will be facilitated by Errol Nembhard. Click the button below to tap into the power of prayer. Please note: The Prayer Room opens at 10:25 AM (GMT +2).
Our iGive segment this morning is presented by Lorraine Jansen. Please note: iGive will go live at 09:00 AM (GMT +2). See the bottom of this page for our instructions on how to give.
A song selection to lift your spirit in praise. Enjoy and be blessed as we prepare our hearts for “The Word”! Live at 09:00 AM (GMT +2)
For the power hour we have one message this week. Be Blessed. Please note: The “Power Hour” will be go live at 09:00AM (GMT +2)
WeGo Live with Pastor Marquis Johns. Please note: REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED TO JOIN THE ZOOM MEETING