Every day (starting 10th February 2020) a challenge prompt will be posted. This will be a suggestion of an action you could take for the day as a way of expressing God’s love to someone in the community.
The prompts are just suggestions, the main thing is to be making an effort to do something at least once a day.
Day 1 – Think of someone in the Metro SDA Church Community who has had the greatest impact on your time at Metro. Send them a note of appreciation (text, email etc) expressing why you are so grateful for the influence they have had on your spiritual journey at Metro.♥
Day 2 – Do a random act of kindness for someone in the Metro church community. (Be creative, think outside the box) #30DayLoveChallenge #MetroMission
Day 3 – Reach out to someone in The Movement/ at Metro, who has recently achieved a major milestone and share with them how happy you are about the success they have achieved. If you’d like, you can also share their success with the rest of the group.
#30DayLoveChallenge #MetroMission #MetroYouth
Day 4 – iIntercede should not just be a segment on Sabbath but a lifestyle.
Pick someone in your community that you can stand in the gap for. Pray for three specific areas where you desire for God to work in their life.
#30DayLoveChallenge #MetroMission
♥ -
Day 5 – Think of someone at Metro whose service and commitment to the church you admire. Show your appreciation to them with a small token.
#30DayLoveChallenge #MetroMission
Day 6 – Greet someone at Metro that you wouldn’t normally speak to and make an effort to get to know them a little better.
#30DayLoveChallenge #MetroMission #MetroYouth
Day 7 – What needs does someone in the Metro community have that you could meet today? Can you run an errand for them? Help them babysit? Choose a gesture that says, “I cherish you” and do it with a smile.
#30DayLoveChallenge #MetroMission #MetroYouth
Day 8 – Think of someone in the Metro Community that you haven’t seen in a while, and reach out to them to find out how they are doing.
#30DayLoveChallenge #MetroMission
Day 9 – Reach out to someone you have hurt and say “I am sorry.”
#30DayLoveChallenge #MetroMission
Day 10 – “And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us.” (Matt 6:12)
Think of someone that you have not forgiven and forgive them. Only because Christ forgave you.
#30DayLoveChallenge #MetroMission
Day 11 -Reflect on the ways you in which you may have failed or disappointed yourself. These may have had negative impacts which you may still carry. Write a note of forgiveness to yourself. Meditate on God’s promise of forgiveness.
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness.”
#30DayLoveChallenge #MetroMission #MetroYouth
Day 12 – Take some time to reflect on your relationship with God. Forgive Him where He seems to have failed you. Commit to being more intentional about spending time with Him in one way for the rest of the Love Challenge days.
#30DayLoveChallenge #MetroMission #MetroYouth
Day 14 – Giving of yourself to others is amazing, however, you cannot give of yourself if you are empty.Take a moment today to do something that you love doing(read a book, go to a park), whatever you do, love yourself today. God loves you, so you can also love on yourself.
#30DayLoveChallenge #MetroMission #MetroYouth
Day 15 – Go to the the @metromission instagram page to share your experiences of how you showed or recieved love as part of the #30DayLoveChallenge. You can also share your experiences on your own social media platforms.
#30DayChallenge #MetroMission #MetroYouth
Day 16 – No is a complete sentence. Boundaries are necessary for and personal and relational well being. Enforce a boundary today. If you do not have any, think on an area in your life that needs boundaries and create one today.
“We can’t force someone to change a troublesome habit or character flaw. The fruit of the spirit is self-control, not other control.” -Dr. Henry Cloud
#30DayLoveChallenge #MetroMission #MetroYouth
Day 17 – To love your neighbour as you love yourself requires that you have a healthy sense of love for yourself.
Connecting with the Day 14’s prompt, take the self love activity a bit further; write yourself a love letter (yes a love letter to yourself, and do not chicken out!)
In the love letter include the following:
What do you love most about yourself?
What are you most proud of?
What do you forgive yourself for?Bonus points: Post yourself the letter.
#30DayLoveChallenge #MetroMission #MetroYouth -
Day 18 – Love Letter II/ Love Letter to God
Reflect on your spiritual journey and think about how God’s love has been revealed in your life; how you have experienced it and what you have come to know and understand about it.
Write another love letter, this time to God.
In the love letter include the following:
Gratitude to God for His love for you.
Expression of what you have learnt about His love.
An expression of your heart’s desire for your relationship with Him.
Be open, be honest, be sincere.
#30DayLoveChallenge #MetroMission #MetroYouth #LoveXperienced
Day 19 – Think of a creative way to share how you have experience God’s love with someone else.
It can be anything: writing a post on facebook, doing something for someone that shares with them a piece of God’s love, writing a song/poem.
It can be anything; just make sure it displays God’s love and is creative.
#30DayLoveChallenge #MetroMission #MetroYouth #LoveXperienced
Day 20 – Reach out to a member of your family that you have not spoken to in a while to tell them how much you love and appreciate them.
#30DayLoveChallenge #MetroMission #MetroYouth #LoveXperienced
Day 21 – Mother Theresa once said if you want to change the world go home and love your family.
Do something thoughtful to show your family (whatever family means to you) that you love them and appreciate them.
#30DayLoveChallenge #MetroMission #MetroYouth #LoveXperienced
Day 22 – Send a random text to a member/ members of your family and tell them 10 things you appreciate about them.
#30DayLoveChallenge #MetroMission #MetroYouth #LoveXperienced
Day 23 – Love your neighbour. Literally. Do something today that expresses love to your next door neighbours. Yes, even the neighbours you stopped speaking to last year. They need love as well.
#30DayLoveChallenge #MetroMission #MetroYouth #LoveXperienced
Day 24 – There are people that have been put in your life who you usually spend about 8 hours of your day with. These could be your colleagues at work, your classmates, your clients, your employees.
How might you share the love with that community that God has blessed you with?
Randomly buy a cake for the office. Write everyone in your class an appreciation note, just do something that shows love and appreciation for your community of practise.
#30DayLoveChallenge #MetroMission #MetroYouth #LoveXperienced
Day 25 – Love yourself by setting aside 3 uninterrupted hours for a task that you may not love so much today. Whether it be studying, completing a task at work, cleaning or planning – give yourself the opportunity to focus.
Switch your phone off, opt out of multi-tasking and get to it.
Self-discipline is self-love.
#30DayLoveChallenge #MetroMission #MetroYouth #LoveXperienced
Day 26 – Choose to be optimistic today, focusing on the positive and giving energy only to the things you can change, whilst keeping in mind that positivity makes the seemingly impossible possible.
Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. – Philippians 4:8
#30DayLoveChallenge #MetroMission #MetroYouth #LoveXperienced
Day 27 – Volunteer to help a cause that means something to you.
It could be anything.
Make sure you tell someone so that they can hold you accountable to actually doing it?
#30DayLoveChallenge #MetroMission #MetroYouth #LoveXperienced
Day 29 – Randomly doing something kind for a stranger, without expecting anything in return.
Randomly walk up to someone and give them R100, give someone a hug, or just be helpful to someone on the train whatever it is. Just show a stranger some love, smile and walk away…
#30DayLoveChallenge #MetroMission #MetroYouth #LoveXperienced
Day 30 – Reflect on the past 30 days of love and think about what you have learnt about love.
Write a reflection on your biggest and take-aways from this love challenge.
Make a commitment to not just making love a 30 day challenge thing but a daily experience. Create your own personal love prompts each day and carry them out. Be determined to show love to someone each day -D.I.Y!